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The evidence is irrefutable – being physically active is vitally important in preventing and managing long-term conditions. However, we also know that 28% of adults in England are inactive – i.e. doing less than 30 minutes moderate activity per week. Action is needed as the number of people with long-term conditions continues to rise and put pressure on an already creaking health and care system.

The new Sport England strategy, ‘Towards an Active Nation’ is a positive step forward in ensuring that sport and physical activity is accessible, attractive and attainable for all by dedicating more funding and expertise to inactivity. The Richmond Group welcomes this strategic direction and also their collaborative approach in enabling physical activity to be the norm in England.

The evidence is clear that the greatest health benefits in increased physical activity are gained by those who do the least. Even a small increase in daily moderate exercise can deliver considerable physical and mental health benefits so it makes logical sense to concentrate resource and expertise in this area. However, there is a huge challenge in changing ingrained behaviours for many people.

In recent insight work carried out by the Britain Thinks on behalf of the Richmond Group (funded by Sport England) it was clear that many currently inactive people with long term conditions knew that they should do more physical activity, but faced barriers in doing so. Pain, fatigue and low mood were all reasons not to be active – all internal issues that are difficult to overcome.

The challenge for Sport England and the Richmond Group over the next years is to provide the right environment, support and opportunities for currently inactive people living with long-term conditions to maintain and enjoy physical activity. Those internal barriers need to be addressed by adopting a personalised approached through joint working from the sports, health and voluntary sectors.  

The new strategy is an important milestone in becoming a more active nation and the hard work starts here. Sport England’s leadership, funding and influence will be vital in ensuring everyone, regardless of gender, wealth or condition, will feel empowered to be active, how they want and when they want.

For more information about the Richmond Group Sports and Physical Activity Project please contact David Terrace on 

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