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 One lesson from the wide consultation we carried out during the Joint VCSE Review is that there is still a gap between how some people see the work of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations and the work which they actually do.
22 June 2016, Blogs
“Living Longer, Living Well” puts forward 12 interventions that might be used to reduce avoidable deaths and improve quality of life for those with multiple long-term conditions.  This blog looks at these interventions through the lens of BritainThinks’ public opinion research and considers how members of the public might respond to them. 
17 June 2016, Blogs
Today we launch our new report Living Longer, Living Well: How we can achieve the WHO’s 25 by 25 goals in the UK. The report examines the future trends for public health in the UK and calls for strong action to be taken on prevention. 
07 June 2016, News
Loneliness is more than a feeling. Together with social isolation, it is a growing public health issue here in the UK.   Despite being thought of as issues that affect largely older people, loneliness and isolation are indiscriminate and can affect anyone – from new mums to those recently bereaved. The British Red Cross are delighted to have teamed up with The Co-op to tackle loneliness for thousands more people in communities throughout the UK.
02 June 2016, Blogs
The evidence is irrefutable – being physically active is vitally important in preventing and managing long-term conditions. However, we also know that 28% of adults in England are inactive – i.e. doing less than 30 minutes moderate activity per week. Action is needed as the number of people with long-term conditions continues to rise and put pressure on an already creaking health and care system. The new Sport England strategy, ‘Towards an Active Nation’ is a positive step forward in ensuring that sport and physical activity is accessible, attractive and attainable for all by dedicating more funding and expertise to inactivity. The Richmond Group welcomes this strategic direction and also their collaborative approach in enabling physical activity to be the norm in England.
19 May 2016, Blogs
The Doing the Right Thing partnership are proud to announce the launch of New Philanthropy Capital's (NPC) report Untapped Potential: Bringing the voluntary sector's strengths to health and care transformation.
13 April 2016, News
