
How Has Covid-19 shaped experiences and views of health and care? Phase 2

This report presents the findings from the second phase of The Richmond Group's work with Britain Thinks to understand how the pandemic has shaped the experiences and views of patients, professionals and the public.

The Multiple Conditions Guidebook – One Year On

The Multiple Conditions Guidebook is part of a suite of resources published by the Taskforce on Multiple Conditions. This work showcases 10 examples of how local areas and frontline professionals across health, social care, the VCS, local government and beyond are responding to the challenge of how to provide better care to the 15 million people in England living with multiple long-term conditions.

The Multiple Conditions Guidebook

A blog discussing the role community assets, be that clubs, volunteer groups, or local services, can play in helping people living with multiple conditions to manage their own health and stay well.

“Just one thing after another”: Living with multiple conditions

This report explores how it feels to live with multiple long-term health conditions and shares learnings from ten in-depth interviews with people living with multiple long-term conditions from a wide range of demographics and locations across England. It showcases their everyday experiences and own perceptions of their quality of life as well as the changes they’d like to see. This research was commissioned by the Taskforce on Multiple Conditions and conducted by Revealing Reality. Also included in the report is a response from the Taskforce which reflects on the ethnographic research and outlines some potential activities for the Taskforce to undertake to address some of the issues surfaced.

Priorities for the Plan

With the NHS approaching its 70th birthday and the Government preparing a long-term plan for the service in England, a broad range of leaders in charities and voice organisations have came to offer our views on what should happen next to improve health and care – within the NHS and beyond.

Destined to ‘Sink or Swim Together’: NHS, Social Care and Public Health

This report called on the Government to deliver an ambitious funding package that sets the NHS, social care system and public health on the right path for the future together.

Multimorbidity: Understanding the challenge

This ‘Multimorbidity’ report was commissioned by the Richmond Group to better understand the nature and scale of the challenge of people who are living with more than one long-term condition, how it affects their lives and why the system struggles to respond. It also explores how the Richmond Group of Charities own services and support offers might be adjusted to better respond to the needs of people with multimorbidities. The report summarised the findings of an initial scoping study, identified the evidence gaps and key questions for further consideration and set out plans for addressing the issue of multimorbidity in the longer term.

Tapping the Potential: Lessons from our practical collaborative work in Somerset

This publication was from our Doing the Right Thing programme, an approach to building meaningful collaboration between the voluntary sector and public bodies. Researched and authored by New Philanthropy Capital for the Richmond Group of Charities, this report captures learning from the initial stages of our collaborative work in Somerset, including success factors for collaboration, consideration of collaboration challenges, and reflections for local and national decision-makers beyond Somerset. Tapping the Potential was generously funded by Guy’s and St. Thomas’s Charity and the Health Foundation.

My data, my care: How better use of data improves health and wellbeing

We gathered real life case studies from Richmond Group member charities to show why data is so critical for good healthcare and the tangible benefits which can be gained from its use. The report highlights the significant barriers to good data – including technological barriers, uncertainty around information governance, and a lack of public trust – and called on everyone responsible for healthcare data across the health and care system to help realise the true potential of this invaluable resource.

Real lives: Listening to the voices of people who use social care

In summer 2016, working in collaboration with the British Red Cross and Royal Voluntary Service, we commissioned The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust to undertake a series of interviews with individuals with experience of using social care services. The aim of this work was to complement and add value to a wider piece of research being undertaken by The King’s Fund and the Nuffield Trust to examine the future sustainability of the social care system, Social Care for Older People: Home Truths.