
Living longer, living well: How we can achieve the World Health Organization’s ‘25 by 25’ goals in the UK

In January 2015, we commissioned an in-depth research project to try to understand the future trends for the most prevalent long-term health conditions in the UK, specifically how many people are either dying early from these conditions, or living with continued disability and poor health. We also wanted to identify interventions that could prevent or reduce the incidence of these long‑term conditions that could be applied to the whole UK population, focusing on major lifestyle risks which contribute to those conditions. The Living Longer, Living Well overview report summarises the results of this study, which used the ‘25 by 25’ goals from the World Health Organization (WHO) as a benchmark against which to measure UK trends.

Vital signs: Taking the temperature of health and care services for people living with long term conditions

This report brought together the data we all individually held about how our beneficiaries, the 15 million people in England with long term conditions, experienced their use of health and care services. This unique evidence highlighted some worrying gaps in long-term conditions care which led to many preventable problems.

What is preventing progress? Time to move from talk to action on reducing preventable illness

This report outlined our ambition relating to the prevention agenda, setting out what we believe is required from leaders across government and the health and social care system in order to achieve the World Health Organisation’s 25 by25 targets.