
Millions more moving

The Richmond Group of Charities has published Millions more moving, a report informed by lived experience insights on how national policymakers can tackle inactivity by supporting people with long-term conditions to move more. It sets out three ‘shifts’ in the policy landscape that will help maximise the role of movement in health.

Multiple long-term conditions (multimorbidity) and inequality – a pressing public health challenge

Bring back the Bill: smoking and the Labour government

Bridging the gap: Understanding how to support people with long-term health conditions to become more physically active

Our plans for the next twelve months

Community assets are vital for people with multiple health conditions – Reflections from The King’s Fund Conference: Community-led approaches to health and wellbeing

The cost of living is hitting people with long-term health conditions and disabilities hardest

A blog discussing research conducted by MEL into the impact of the cost of living crisis for people with living long-term health conditions and disibilty.

No time to lose: changing the trajectory for people living with long-term health conditions

This report draws together data, insight and patient stories from The Richmond Group’s 12 member charities, with wider evidence, about the impact of the pandemic on people living with long-term, chronic or complex illnesses, who were amongst the hardest hit and still now find themselves lagging far behind in terms of recovering their health and well-being. Our analysis highlights the issues for this group of people before the pandemic, the impact of the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis, and the ongoing and long-term effects.

An open letter to the Prime Minister The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak

Alongisde our report No time to lose, we published our open letter to the Prime Minister The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak calling on Government to protect the NHS and Social Care system in the forthcoming Autumn Statement.

The Fuller Stocktake report: a moment of opportunity?

A blog reviewing the Fuller stocktake report: Next steps for integrating primary care.