The executive summary for the Movement for All Evaluation Report.
With our programme evaluators, Traverse, we bring together learning from a number of intervention and insight projects as well as recommendations based on what we’ve learned over the past few years working together collaboratively to support people with long term conditions to be active. If you’re looking to deliver and evaluate physical activity projects for people with long term conditions, want to collaborate with similar organisations to deliver behaviour change projects or are looking to embed physical activity into the strategy and day to day business of your organisation then check out our report today.
To help us understand attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity for people with multiple or wide ranging conditions, we commissioned think tank and research agency Britain Thinks to speak to people from across England. To get a different viewpoint they also spoke to carers, families and friends. Through the research they probed the barriers preventing people with long term conditions from being active and tested the impact of some potential messages aimed at encouraging people to move more.