
Open letter to party leaders from Nuffield Health and the Richmond Group

Bridging the gap: Understanding how to support people with long-term health conditions to become more physically active

Our plans for the next twelve months

Community assets are vital for people with multiple health conditions – Reflections from The King’s Fund Conference: Community-led approaches to health and wellbeing

The cost of living is hitting people with long-term health conditions and disabilities hardest

A blog discussing research conducted by MEL into the impact of the cost of living crisis for people with living long-term health conditions and disibilty.

An open letter to the Prime Minister The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak

Alongisde our report No time to lose, we published our open letter to the Prime Minister The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak calling on Government to protect the NHS and Social Care system in the forthcoming Autumn Statement.

Helping disabled people and those with health conditions bounce back from the pandemic: heightened focus needed to address inequalities in physical activity participation

A blog on the work needed to engage disabled people and those living with health conditions in physical activty after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The power of long-term collaboration: our continuing partnership with Sport England

A blog discussing our ongoing partnership with Sport England as a part of their Uniting the Movement Strategy

The Fuller Stocktake report: a moment of opportunity?

A blog reviewing the Fuller stocktake report: Next steps for integrating primary care.

Response to the government’s long-term strategy for living safely with Covid

Juliet Bouverie OBE (Chair, The Richmond Group of Charities) responds to the government's long-term strategy for living safely with covid, urging a rethink of their approach.