
Guest blog: Design rehab for the person, not the condition

Sara Hazzard, Assistant Director of Strategic Communications at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, responds to our 'You Only Had To Ask' report on what people with multiple conditions say about health equity.

Guest blog: “All these sources of inequalities are avoidable by reasonable means” – multiple conditions and the social determinants of health

Peter Goldblatt, Senior Advisor, UCL Institute of Health Equity, responds to our 'You Only Had To Ask' report on what people with multiple conditions say about health equity.

Guest blog: ‘Culturally appropriate’ care – the solution to health inequalities?

Yasmin Ibison, Programme and Partnerships Manager (Employment) at Black Thrive Lambeth, kicks off our new series of guest blogs in response to our #YouOnlyHadToAsk report on what people with multiple conditions say about health inequality.